Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 & H2020 Projects

ERC MsMaths (2015-2019): M. Rousset is part of ERC MSMaths on molecular simulation (PI T. Lelièvre). With the development of large-scale computing facilities, simulations of materials at the molecular scale are now performed on a daily basis. The objective of the MSMath ERC project is to develop and study efficient algorithms to simulate such high-dimensional systems over very long, macroscopic times. ERC MsMaths especially focus on the computational issues related to 'metastable' states, that is to say specific molecular configurations that do evolve only on very large time scales. This results in a multi-timescale computational bottleneck that needs to be addressed by specific algorithms.

Collaborations with Major European Organizations

The agency European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) of Darmstadt. The transfer focuses on the estimation of atmospheric 3D winds from the future hyperspectral instrument (IRS on MTG-S, developed by ESA and IASI-NG on Metop-SG developed by CNES). The work consists in the design of an efficient and physically-based methodology for the estimation of vertically resolved 3D atmospheric motion vector (AMV) fields at various altitude levels. The estimation is based on image sequence observations, depicting temperature, specific humidity or ozone fields at different pressure levels. The final objective is the operational production of 3D AMV fields, which should be used by the different international institutes of meteorology, such as Meteo France or the Met Office. It is expected that these image-based wind estimates will significantly impact data-assimilation for weather forecasts or climate studies. We mention that the problem of 3D AMVs estimation has several specificities which makes it particularly challenging (high-dimensionality, non-convex and non-differentiable problem). We are working on an overall algorithmic solution to address this problem. Type of collaboration: supervision of an engineer with one or two week-long visits per year. A first prototype (free software licence LGPL 2.1) is currently under evaluation.